Kamis, 04 April 2013


The participants can transfer the registration fee hereby:
(a.n. Faizal Fajri, Bank BRI unit Diponegoro Metro, Nomor Rekening (5702-01-011460531). Download the registration form on http://jsecstainmetro.blogspot.com or send an email to fill the registration form completely. Scan the registration form and the receipt of your money transfer to jsec_stain@yahoo.com. Bring the original one on the technical meeting.


Place                            : N Building STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro
Day/Date                     : Sunday, May 12, 2013 at 09.00 a.m.

      Contact Person
M. Ulul Azmi              (Chief of JS-EC)                                     (0857 6865 2774)
Faizal Fajri                  (The Project Officer of JOE-4)               (0857 6976 6017)
Seh Megawati             (Sie Administration)                               (0857 6862 9044)
Maulana Yusuf           (Chief of Ceremony)                               (0856 6988 5838)

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