Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Lampung English Competition JS-EC ON EARTH 3 (JOE 3)

1.       SPEECH
Format of the competition
The general rules :
1.         The text must be original or not published yet.
2.         There will be four (4) themes containing two (2) topics each theme for the first round and three (3) topics for the grand final round.
3.         There will be two (2) rounds in this competition.
4.         The first round, the participants must choose the topic given by the committee and collect the title of the speech to the committee at the day of technical meeting.
5.         The grand final round, the theme will be given by drawing and the participants will be given 30 minutes to prepare their speech.
6.         In grand final round, you should do all your preparation indoor.
7.         Only the participants, committee and the adjudicators are in the room when the participants prepare their speech.
8.         You may use all the support media during preparing your speech.
9.         The participants have to submit three (3) copies of the text of your speech to the committee at the technical meeting or at the day of the competition.
10.     You will have ten (10) minutes to present your speech.
11.     The adjudicators will be given five (5) minutes to ask you some questions about your speech after presenting the speech in the grand final round.
12.     Five best participants will go to the grand final.
13.     The instructor is not allowed to help the participants during the competition.
14.     The instructors or the audiences don’t disturb the participants.
15.     When the committee knows the instructor helps the participants, they will be disqualified automatically.
16.     Don’t make a noise in a room.

The participant’s rules :
1.         The participants must come fifteen (15) minutes before the competition begins.
2.         The participants are not allowed to leave the speech room as long as the competition runs except there are emergency things.
3.         The participants have a seat at the seat have been given by the committee.
4.         The participants who are called three (3) times and they don’t come forward will be disqualified.

·           Content (Persuasiveness, accuracy, and structure)
·           Language Usage (fluency, pronunciation, diction, grammar)
·           Performance (gesture, eye contact, confidence)

Theme of the first round :
·           Education
a.         The student’s role as an effort to develop an education in Indonesia.
b.        Technology influences mindset of students.
·           Environment and Health
a.         The response of once-usage things to decrease the effect of global warming.
b.        Hepatitis and DBD (Demam Berdarah Dangue) are the most popular disease in the end of the year of 2011 until beginning of this year.
·         Politics and Law
a.         KPK (Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi) and all the corruption cases in Indonesia
b.        Prison as good as a hotel in Indonesia
·           Economy
a.       Subsidy of fuel for the wealthy people (should subsidy is given to the wealthy or not)
b.      Esemka Car production develops the financial of Indonesia.

This competition is for Senior High School students.
Coordinator of speech : Haryati Oktavera ( 0857 6952 1959 )
Registration fee @Rp 55.000;
Quota 32 participants

Format of the Competition
The style of debate is British Parliamentary (BP). There will be pre-leminary rounds, 1 quarter final round, 1 semifinal round, and 1 grand final round. Each round will perform 4 teams. Detail information is on technical meeting day.

Several main rules of British Parliamentary System   
There are 4 teams will compete for each round:
1. Opening Government the 1st and the 2nd speaker
2. Opening Opposition the 1st and the 2nd speaker
3. Closing Government the 1st and the 2nd speaker
4. Closing Opposition the 1st and the 2nd speaker           
The Basic Rules About Structure of This Tournament:
1.      The judgment will be based on VP (Victory Point), Margin, and score in accordance with the point of matter, manner and method.
2.      The rule of time management: maximum time is 7 minutes and 20 seconds. There is POI (Point of Information) during debating. Once knock after 1 minute it means you can give your POI. Once knock after 6 minutes  means you cannot do POI anymore. Twice knocks after 7 minutes is warning that debating’s time is almost over. Then knock continuously after 7 minutes and 20 seconds, your time is up.
3.      The debaters are allowed to use any supporting properties before the debate is started. During the debate they will be submitted by the officials.
4.      The time given for the case building is 15 minutes.
5.      The motion is IMPROMPTU FOR EACH ROUND.
6.      We welcome 32 teams (each team consist of 2 participants).

Coordinator of this tournament: Anggun Setiawati ( 0878 1379 1993 )
                                                    Melia Eka Saputri ( 0857 6764 5554 )
Regristration Fee : Rp75.000,00 / each team.

Format of the Competition there are two rounds. They are pre-final round and final round. The rules of each round are as follows :
1.      Pre-final round
1.      The newscaster enter the newscast room from the waiting one.
2.      The participant will get one news script. The news script will be unpunctuated.
3.      In this session each participants has 1 minute to checking and to correct the blind news script.
4.      The time keeper will give you sign to start your performance.
5.      You have 3 minutes to perform.
6.      The adjudicators will decide five participants as the best five. The best five will compete to get the first, second and the third winner in the next day.
2.      The final round
1.      The finalist will get one opportunity more to perform.
2.      The committee will give the finalist a script containing a phenomena and condition  about something is still going on.
3.      The finalist must convey the news by their own word and concept.
4.      Browsing any information from the other source is doable.
5.      The finalist have 15 minutes to prepare the last performance in the final round.
6.      The finalist have 3 minutes to perform the news.
7.      In this session, the adjudicator decide who will be the first, second, and the third winner.
The adjudicators’ decisions are absolute.

Registration fee                          : Rp. 55.000/participant
Coordinator of competition       : Nurlia Irvani (0856 6964 1247)
Quota 26 participants

4.        SCRABBLE
Format of the competition
The general rule :
The competition is based on Collins Dictionary.
2. This scrabble competition will use preliminary in the first round and knock-out match system in the next round.
3. There will be 16 teams going to octo final and 8 teams for quarter final round.
4. The best four teams will deserve going to semifinal round, and two teams will fight in the grand final round.
5. The third winner will play off by those who are eliminated in semifinal round.
The category of competition is for senior high school and the quota of this competition is 64 teams. The committee doesn't give any limitation for each institution.

Registration fee                          : Rp. 65.000/each team.
Coordinator of the competition :Maulana Yusuf (085768376541)

Format of the competition
General rules
I.          It’s a group story telling competition, which every group consist of 2 people.
II.       There will be 2 rounds in this competition, the 1st round and the final round.
III.    The theme of the story telling is free.
The 1st round
1.      Each of group has to submit 3 copies of the story to the committee at the day of Technical Meeting or at the day of competition.
2.      Each group has to tell the story without bringing the text.
3.      Each of group has to bring their own properties in this round.
4.      Each group has to speak loudly, briefly, and fluently.
5.      Each of group has maximum 10 minutes to perform.
6.      Once the MC has given signal or instruction, the other story teller from each group has to continue the story and the 1st story teller has to stop his/her action and so on.
Final round
1.      The grand final will be impromptu story.
2.      The best 5 groups have to tell their story based on their imagination with the properties have been provided by the committee.
3.      The best 5 groups have 30 minutes to make the impromptu story.
4.      The time given is 7-10 minutes for each group to perform.
5.      Each of group has to tell the moral value of their story.
6.      Time partition for each story teller in the group based on the group itself.
The category of the competition is for Senior High School Students. The quota of this competition is 50 participants (25 groups).

Pronouncation, grammar, properties, content, and performance.

Regristration Fee : Rp. 60.000/team
Coordinator Of The Competition : Ade Sukma Arum (0853 1257 9458)

6.        POP SONG
The format of competition
·      The competition consists of two parts (in the preliminary round and final round).
·      Each participant sings a song which they choose at the time of the preliminary round and the two songs at the time of the final round.
·       The aspects assessed in the race include:
·           Technique vocal (vocal technique)
·           Performance (performance)
·           Pronunciation (pronunciation)
·      a maximum of participant age is 23 years old.
·      Participants are expected to attend technical meeting.
·      Making to make the basic tone and numbers is on technical meeting.
·      Participants who don’t attend at Technical Meeting receive consequence to take his own basic tone and serial numbers appear to be taken by the committee.
·      Free costumes provided courtesy (not to be covered).
·      Participates arrival is before the opening ceremony gets started  before the race for places, that have been regristrated, are prepared.
·           Participants who come late at a time when appearance may lead to disqualification.
·           Include a photocopy of the card OSIS / KTM.
·           Announcement of winners will be implemented after the closing ceremony JOE 3.
·           The jury's decision is absolute.
·           Registration Fee : Rp 60.000
·           The coordinator of competition : Dinar Anggraini (0819 9741 1080)
·      Choices of songs
·           Female
1.    Rihanna
- Drunk on love
2.    Avril Lavigne
- Take Me Away
3.    Whitney Houston
- I Will Always Love You
4.    Ten2Five
- I Will Fly
5.    Beyonce
- Listen
6.    Martina Mc Bridge
- My Valentine
7.    Celline Dion
- To Love You More
8.    Diana Rose
- When You Tell Me That You Love
9.    Avril Lavigne
- When You’re Gone
10.             Shania Twain
- You Are Still The One

·           Male
1.     David Archuleta
- Crush
2.     Maroon Five
- This Love
3.     Cristian Bautista
-Till The End Of Time
4.     Aero smith
- I don’t Wanna Miss A Thing
5.     Michael Buble
- Save The Last Dance For Me
6.     Craig David
- Unbelievable
7.     Bruno Mars
- Talking to The Moon
8.     Westlife
- What Makes A Man
9.     N’Sync
- This I Promise You
10. James Blunt
- You’re Beautiful


The participants can transfer the registration fee hereby:
(a.n. Hasanul Misbah, Bank BRI unit Diponegoro Metro, Nomor Rekening (5699-01-007451-53-9). Download the registration form on http://jsecstainmetro.blogspot.com or send an email to fill the registration form completely. Scan the registration form and the receipt of your money transfer to jsec_stain@yahoo.com. Bring the original one on the technical meeting.


Place                            : N Building STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro
Day/Date                     : Sunday, April 29, 2012 at 09.00 a.m.

      Contact Person
Panca A. Putra            (Chief of JS-EC)                                     (0819 792 4480)
Afrida Astuti              (The Project Officer of JOE-2)               (0856 6966 3636 )
Anisa Nur ‘Aini          (Sie Administration)                               (0852 7955 7037)
Deni Syahrudin           (Chief of Ceremony)                               (0857 6838 2668)

JS-EC on Earth III (JOE 3) Lampung English Competition
UKM JS-EC (Jurai Siwo English Club)


This is the registration form of Lampung English Competition JS-EC ON EARTH III (JOE 3). You can download in this.